This collection of muses, written at various times, has been brought together in the hope that someone will read them and find them amusing, interesting, inspiring or perhaps tedious. Little hope is held for these aspirations, other than the latter. They have been compiled in an ordered fashion; for those who like that sort of thing. Therefore, the work is divided into nine sections namely: Viewpoint, Romance, Nature, Sport, Travel, Festive days, Fun, People, and lastly some Random Thoughts. The author makes no apology for his occasional rudeness, controversy or amorous outbursts.
There are muses that rhyme; ones that don’t; ones that ought to rhyme, and ones that ought not to. It is madness that the author has been unable to control. Some of the poems are what his mother would have called ‘Proper poems,’ and others she would not have thought of in such terms. Never mind, please enjoy and criticise, but above all have a go yourselves.
Like all musing, some of the contents reflect what the author would wish the events to have been, and he hopes many readers will participate in the game. Others reflect the feelings he has experienced; inadequate as the words might prove to be. Some muses are simple jottings made at dreary meetings, when impatience ruled the author’s mind – and occasionally his behaviour.
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