This is an irreverent tale about a village that is part of a large seaside town. The story is told by a retired dustman. He’s a right wing, male chauvinist, seldom given to politeness or tact. He has, though, an active imagination and, beneath it all, beats a kind heart.
The humour is ‘Sarf Lundun’ rather than Country-Set Cheltenham and is focussed on the main avenue in ‘The Village.’ The story teller and characters in the stories sometime use impolite invective and fail to tow the PC line, but any ‘sensitive’ souls should realise that an author needs to report the world as it is and not the world of umbrage and sensitivity. The people in the stories are based on individuals seen walking along a street. However, the tales are total inventions. Above all, it should be read in the humorous spirit in which it is written.
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